Seeing Through the Smoke
You've seen them around town- all kinds of devices that are supposed to be "better" than smoking regular cigarettes. They're called things like "e-cigs," "vapes," "Juuls," and some of their most frequent users are children, but are they REALLY safe?
Join us on Tuesday September 24 at 6:00 to hear from Dr. Ilona Jaspers of UNC. With appointments at UNC Medicine, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, and the Center of Environmental Medicine, Asthma, and Lung Biology, Dr. Jaspers is one of the top experts on the issue.
Never been to beer-reviewed science before? It's kind of like a science cafe, but a lot more casual and relaxed. No graphs or Powerpoints- nothing boring- just all kinds of experts ready to sit down, answer questions, and a drink a beer or two! Plus, Transfer Co. has tons of great food and drink options to enjoy while you learn!
Free and open to everyone! (No science knowledge required!)